The installation by a specialized team of workmen consists of the fixing of the outer frames/cases to the neighboring construction with screws. Next, glass panes are put in place within the frames using special elastic gaskets or ceramic tapes and finally glazing beads are fixed in.
Installation of fire resistant screens at the METROPOLITAN Hotel, Syngrou Ave, Athens
Installation of fire resistant screens and door at the office building of FOLLIE-FOLLIE, Ág.Stefanos
Installation of fire resistant screens onboard the ship Ionian Star, BLUE STAR FERRIES
Installation of a fire resistant screen and door at the health centre NEW DAY
The neighboring construction may be of:
A metallic false frame in the case of wall construction or concrete
Heavy duty steel case in the case of a hollow frame or gypsum frame
Note: The width of the above steel plates should not be less than 2mm and the surface of contact must be of 70mm in width.
Between the neighboring construction and the outer frames a gap of 5-10mm is allowed and filled in with fire resistant mastic of white or black color in order to permit thermal expansion of the systems.